Monday 14 December 2009

The Most Beautiful Village???

The guidebook describes it as the most beautiful village on the island. We wondered if it would live up that reputation as we carefully negotiated the hairpin bends on the steep descent towards the sea. At the bottom of the hill the road veered sharply to the right beside a duck pond frothing with green algae. There was a cluster of boxlike fisherman’s cottages strung out along the shoreline and a ramshackle restaurant with a wheezing generator built into the hillside.

By now we were seriously beginning to doubt the accuracy of that description! It was lunchtime. Should we eat here or would it be more sensible to drive further along the coast to a more salubrious setting? There were a few other people already seated on the terrace of the restaurant, a strange structure which appeared to be built on stilts and suspended precariously over the beach. We decided to risk it. Gingerly stepping onto the rickety deck we found a table in the corner overlooking the ocean.

The warm sun, the deep blue sea and the waves crashing on to the rocks below soon lifted our spirits. We ordered a mixed salad with goat’s cheese and, when it came, together with warm crusty rolls and a dish of the local spicy sauce, it was superb; fresh, colourful, beautifully presented and great value for money. Maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all!

We soon became aware that it wasn’t just the food that had arrived. Surrounding our table were several glossy coated cats, a little shaggy dog, a large white hen and a motley assortment of ducks, all with their little beady eyes fixed on our meal.

Fortunately there was far more than we could eat and we were only too happy to share it with our newly acquired companions.

Perhaps it was the beer or the warmth of the sun, but we had just about decided that this truly must be paradise when, suddenly, there was a squeal from the other end of the terrace. Apparently another diner had been pecked by an over enthusiastic duck! The waitress, looking rather embarrassed, appeared with a broom and attempted to shoo the ducks from the deck. The little dog leapt into action, yapping loudly and scattering the birds in all directions. Feathers flew as some of the smaller ducks managed to take to the air, wings flapping noisily as they skimmed over our heads.

A very large white creature with the ugliest, wartiest red face took cover behind our legs until things calmed down. It didn’t take long. Soon all the other ducks came waddling back up the hill and on to the terrace and peace was restored.

Is this really the most beautiful village on the island? For us it was unforgettable. If you want to experience a fantastic meal at a reasonable price with an entertaining floorshow we would give it the highest recommendation - unless, of course, you are allergic to duck!
In case you are wondering - this village is called Los Molinos!

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